Friday, February 6, 2009

Brick Breaker

A single player game for beginners..
(Not for beginner gamer,
For beginner programmers !!!)

this link will lead to the download page

I started developing the game when i completed Level1 Term2 (structured programming)
Due to excessive pressure of private varsity semester system the work took 4 months.

(I was really able to work on this for two months or less)

Final release on May08 could have some bugs for portability.

Please forgive them . . and help me working in my next Windows platform game by suggesting solutions to the bugs or by simply reporting problems.

Those who are interested and able to do such work in team can contact.


Department CS
Daffodil International University


  1. Sorry about the broken link. The depositfiles link dies after inactivity. If you are still interested just put a comment and I shall mail you.


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